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Istruttori in volo con un allievo che frequenta il corso di paracadutismo a casale monferrato



Enter the exciting world of skydiving closer to Milan with our AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) course!This comprehensive training program offers you a balanced mix of theory and practice, enabling you to make your first 7 skydive jumps.


Immerse yourself in an intensive half day theoretical course covering crucial topics such as:

  • Security procedures

  • Use of equipment

  • Body position in free fall

  • Opening and checking the parachute


Once you have completed the theoretical course, the real fun begins: board the plane, climb up to 4200 meters and, accompanied by two expert instructors, make your first parachute jump!


Our AFF course in Milan is designed to teach you how to skydive efficiently and safely, using state-of-the-art learning techniques and materials.


The AFF course is developed through 7 levels, each of which includes a throw and a series of maneuvers that you must complete before moving on to the next level. The first 3 levels are conducted with two instructors, while the remaining levels are performed with one instructor.


After successfully completing the AFF course, you will have acquired the necessary skills to perform an autonomous jump in complete safety. Overall, it takes about 2 weekends to complete the entire course.


Don't miss this incredible opportunity!Sign up for our AFF Skydiving Course in Milan and fulfill your dream of becoming a certified skydiver.

skydiving course in milan


  • Theory Course

  • 7 jumps from 4200mt

  • Gear Rental (Helmet, jumpsuit, altimeter and parachute rig)

  • Parachute Packing (Done by professionals)

  • Video for every jump

  • Theory book and log-book

  • Licence, that allows you to jump alone in free fall






We will send you an email containing all the details and dates of the AFF course.

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